"What made him a Mahatma..?"
This was the question i had in my mind for many years, knowing that i am just a normal person and there's nothing much special about me besides the fact that i have some born talents and i can nurture them to succeed in life..
But my Quest for Life was to know...
How does one become a Mahatma?
How come only one man achieved that great title?
and Was he born a Mahatma?
This article is the result of my research on One Man's Life, through which i try to churn out the answers for these questions i had in mind for sometime, going back in history, surfing on the incidents and experiences of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi's Life that i believe changed his life completely and evolved him to being a Mahatma("Great Soul")...

Mahatma Gandhi was born in Porbandar in the present state of
In 1891, after having been admitted to the British bar, Gandhi returned to
In 1893, a 24-year-old Indian lawyer Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi arrived in Durban South
Young Gandhi
One day in court at
In 1894, at the age of 25, Mohandas Gandhi found his calling. Working as a lawyer for an Indian firm in
Gandhi along with the co-founders of Natal Indian Congress
In 1894, Gandhi founded the Natal Indian Congress which was an organization that aimed to fight discrimination against Indians in SouthAfrica. It later allied itself with the African National Congress.
In 1896, Gandhi began to teach a policy of passive resistance to, and non-cooperation with, the South African authorities. Gandhi considered the terms passive resistance and civil disobedience inadequate for his purposes, however, and coined another term, Satyagraha ("truth and firmness").
In 1903 Gandhi began publishing the weekly Indian Opinion, and he had also started a communal farming project for Indians. In 1906 he gave aid against the Zulu revolt. Later in 1906, however, Gandhi began his peaceful revolution. He declared he would go to jail or even die before obeying an anti-Asian law. Thousands of Indians joined him in this civil disobedience campaign. Gandhi organised strikes on the coalfields and sugar plantations and led a march of Indians from
In 1914 the government of the Union of South Africa made important concessions to Gandhi's demands, including recognition of Indian marriages and abolition of the poll tax for them. His work in
Several years later, just before his seventieth birthday in 1939, Gandhi was interviewed by a missionary, Dr. John R. Mott. Mott asked Gandhi to single out the most creative experience of his life. This was Gandhi’s reply:
"I recall particularly one experience that change the course of my life. Seven days after I had arrived in
This decision changed the lives of thousands of South Africans and still inspires them to this date.
When Gandhi's bronze statue was unveiled in
GANDHI'S TWENTY-ONE YEARS of experience in
- The good of the individual is contained in the good of all.
- A lawyer's work has the same value as the barber's, as all have the same right of earning their livelihood from their work.
- A life of labour, i.e. the life of the tiller of the soil and the crafts person, is a life worth living.
The profoundness of these three simple statements provided the essential philosophic underpinning of his movement in
Gandhi's belongings-He clearly did not need a suitcase nor a wardrobe
Sarvodaya (upliftment of all) was a philosophical position that Gandhi maintained. He believed that morality must underpin all human actions. Society must strive for the economic, social, spiritual and physical well-being of all, not just the majority.
He advocated that the locus of power must be situated in the village or neighbourhood unit. He believed that there should be equitable distribution of resources and that communities must become self-sustaining through reliance on local products instead of large-scale imports from outside. In this way each individual would be able to utilize his or her skills and be able to market his or her goods in the neighbourhood. People would then make goods for local consumption and become interdependent within each locality.
Gandhi was opposed to large-scale industrialisation, and favoured small local industries instead. In this way there would be a certainty that each individual would be gainfully employed and able to live a self-sufficient fulfilled life.
This local self-sufficiency he called Swadeshi. It means buy local, be proud of local, support local, uphold and live local. It was based on the theory of decentralized local interdependence and universal employment. When we buy or sell something outside our area then we are depriving a local person of his or her livelihood.
Finally, Gandhi's best-known theory of Satyagraha or non-violent direct action is in fact a way of life, not just an absence of violence. He believed that to carry out non-violent action one needed to be disciplined. His discipline entailed the important element of self-restraint in respect of all the sensory urges and consumptions. It also entailed respect for all beings regardless of religious beliefs, caste, race or creed, and a devotion to the values of truth, love and responsibility.
Gandhi left
Pictured here with his wife, Kasturba
Gandhi took on India's British colonial rulers upon his return, organizing passive resistance campaigns and shaping the Indian National Congress into an effective grassroots party, based around his own philosophy of satyagraha, or unconditional nonviolence.
All his actions for the upliftment of the poor n downtrodden of the Indian Villages and the equality of one n all along with his disciplined philosophical principles of Sarvodaya,Swadeshi & Satyagraha, earned him the title of "Mahatma," or "Great Soul."
His dream and vision of an Independent
No man is born a Mahatma, its his life that makes him one...its his principles,thoughts and actions that help him to evolve first as a person, a citizen, a patriot and a great human being.
Its up to each individual to choose which path he/she wants to march on.The incidents which unfolded in South Africa changed Gandhi's life completely from being just another Common Man, to evolving as the Father of the Nation and an act of Inspiration for One and for All...Mahatma Gandhi once said..."My Life is my Message"
I think he was absolutely spot on letting each of us know that its only Our Life, and the way We Live it...makes us what We are...
I bow down on my knees and salute the great soul of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who has inspired me in many ways to live a better life and make it beautiful...This is a Tribute to this Great Human Being from the bottom of my heart...I hope this inspires you just like it did me, to make your(along with your loved ones) Life, a Better one...